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Status sync diagnostics

— Based on estimates 1 person

Statuses, unlike LEADs, do not have a guarantee of delivery due to various technical and logical reasons. Please note! We do not analyze why a status did not reach you, as it may fail for reasons beyond our control. Therefore, please read this description carefully to be able to check and correct errors yourself if they are detected.

Basic Rules

  • 1.1. Enable status exchange in the plugin settings. download-2.png
  • 1.2. A status cannot change entities and directions. For example, a status cannot convert a LEAD into a Deal or change Deal directions.
  • 1.3. A status is blocked for 20 minutes tied to the order. For example, if your site sent that order #2 changed status to PAID, then you immediately switched the status on the site to any other, and then returned it to PAID after 10 minutes, our plugin blocks this request as duplicate.
  • 1.4. Statuses have the lowest priority in the queue, so they may be executed with a significant delay.
  • 1.5. The entity must have an order number in the field specified in the plugin settings.
  • 1.6. Your site must work correctly over the https protocol.

Transferring Status from Bitrix24 to the Site

Bitrix24 informs us about a change in the entity's status (problem 2.1). Our plugin searches for the order number in the entity (problem 1.5), retrieves from the settings which status to set on the site, forms a webhook (displayed in the application logs), and sends it to the site (problem 1.6).

Problems and Solutions:

  • 2.1. Our plugin does not receive notifications of deal changes due to problems on the Bitrix24 side. You need to wait for Bitrix24 to fix the problem.
  • 2.2. The application does not display the webhook for sending to the site. Check the basic rules and ensure the status is matched.
  • 2.3. The webhook exists, but the status does not change. Copy the webhook and open it in a browser. If a technical reason appears, the site will display it. Consult with programmers or order a detailed analysis from us. download-3.png

Transferring Status from the Site to Bitrix24

The site plugin, on the order change event, takes the authorization secret tokens, forms a webhook, and sends it to our plugin (Problem 3.1). Our plugin checks for a deal or LEAD with that number (Problem 3.2), finds which stage to change the entity to in Bitrix24, and initiates the change.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Incorrect integration settings or the wrong Bitrix24 specified. If everything is correct, you will see in the Bitrix24 logs that the plugin received the status change task. download-4.png
  • The order number is not found in CRM. Check the settings and search for the entity manually.

For diagnostics, you can manually repeat the request via the browser (you need to substitute your data):

Incident Investigation. We offer an incident investigation service. Our specialists will check everything for you and determine the cause of the problem. If the problem is on our side, we will refund your money.
The service costs $99. You can order it here. Be sure to send access to your Bitrix24 and your site.