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How to dynamically set preferences on send

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When automating or mass sending, it is sometimes necessary to dynamically set or change some send parameters. This task can also be solved by creating a new gateway, but this is not always convenient and can mislead managers who work with the CRM.

Let's imagine a situation where you have created a general gateway with the following parameters (we recommend doing just that):

  • Sending - both (First on Viber, if not received, then SMS);
  • Viber image - Your logo URL;
  • Viber button - Contac US;
  • Viber button URL - Your company contact page.

But let's say you want to make a robot that automatically sends notifications to a customer who hasn't paid for an order, that he can pay for it online and get a 5% discount and send this only to Viber. To do this, you can create a new gateway with these parameters:

  • Sending - VIBER;
  • Viber image - URL to the promo banner;
  • Viber button - Pay now;
  • Viber button URL - Link to pay.

But you can also change the settings dynamically by passing a special JSON in the message. Example:


  • JSON must be correct and without errors, check it here - https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
  • You must additionally pass the "MESSAGE" parameter, in which to place the message text;
  • Please check before sending it!