Deal Direction
If your site encompasses multiple directions, you can set up automatic distribution of Deals into different funnels using either a business process or a robot. The solution algorithm is the same in both cases, so let's consider an example with a robot, as they are simpler and supported by basic tariffs.
In the LEAD or Deal, we create a text field "Site Domain". In the plugin settings, we select the match "Site Domain" = HOSTNAME, where HOSTNAME is a standard field containing the domain name.

We move to CRM, select the necessary entity (LEAD or Deal), add a robot that will trigger if the "Site Domain" field contains the required domain. This robot will change the Deal stage only for requests coming from the specified site.
- When working with LEADs, at the first stage create a robot for conversion into a Deal, where you select the desired direction and stage.
- When working only with Deals, use the "Change Direction" robot. Important: the field must be passed from the LEAD, so create it there!

Important to know:
- Create the field in the LEAD, even if you are using Deals. When converting a LEAD into a Deal, Bitrix24 will automatically create the necessary field and transfer the value.
- Business processes are triggered before robots and have an extended functionality.